A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Picture, copyright 1951
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by Trisha:
In my opinion, Soldiers Three was a delightful film to watch.
Before viewing this film, I discovered that many movie review sites
gave this film two stars at best, which made me very skeptical. However,
I'm not much into hearing about what critics like/dislike, and I have
watched my share of Robert Newton's films and thoroughly enjoyed them;
so I thought, "why not watch it?"
The film's setting was during war time, however, it did not focus on
the historical aspects of war. Instead, the movie focused on the antics
of three zany soldiers (Privates Ackroyd, Sykes and Malloy) who do everything
possible to avoid their duties, only to engage in playful antics. They
take part in things that are unbecoming of soldiers, but in the end,
they save the day. In addition, I instantly recognized the uncanny "aargh"
performed by Robert Newton numerous times throughout the duration of
the movie.
This film, on a scale of five stars, is definitely worthy of three
at least. The movie was very entertaining and I'm sure many people would
enjoy it. I found myself chuckling throughout much of the movie, so
I'm more than anxious to see it again (only seen it this once).
From Rudyard
Kipling and Sir Henry Rider Haggard on Screen, Radio, and Television
by Philip Leibfried (McFarland and Company, 1999)used by permission
of the author:
This misbegotten effort was obviously an attempt to make another Gunga
Din, but it failed miserably despite high production values and
a sterling cast. ... The sole purpose of the trio in this film is getting
drunk. Newton, who was known to bend the elbow on a number of occasions,
seemed to actually be in that state throughout the proceedings. He continually
repeated the other actors' lines and had a glazed expression in all
his scenes. Once it appears, the plot ... The battle scenes are well-staged
and the best part of the picture. Viewing this movie is recommended
only for diehard fans of the leads, not for Kipling aficionados.
by Lorraine:
I found Soldiers Three to be funny like the Three Stooges. Equally
funny was Robert Newton using his pirate accent and his name from Oliver
Twist. Cyril Cusack and Robert Newton worked well together as part
of a funny threesome. This movie was just another example of talent
from great actors. I enjoyed it!!
by Susan:
Read the review on my Robert Newton site here.
(A more generalized review is still under construction.)
Would you like to add your own review of Soldiers Three
to this page? If so, please click here to
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reviews containing inflammatory commentsa.k.a. "flames"may
be edited or rejected. Whether you loved or hated the movie, I ask only
that you be respectful of other contributors and the cast/crew involved.)
If you'd like me to include a link to your website along with your name,
please include the URL. Thank you, and "stay tuned" for more!
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